Monday, May 14, 2012


It is sometimes hard to understand the many different ways people pray.  People use different items in different places during different times.  Prayer takes many forms and there’s no wrong or better way to do it.

Here on the run, I am in constant prayer.  I pray while running, sitting in the car, while I eat and when I’m joking with my fellow runners.  No one knows that I’m doing this.  I watch and I take small images of my surroundings and keep them in my heart.  My head isn’t bent forward nor are my hands held in prayer, but I’m thinking good thoughts for the people and land I see­- hoping good always finds its’ way to them. 

Our group consists of members from all over the US, Canada and Mexico.  Although our prayers manifest themselves in distinct ways, we all share a common prayer and belief in this run (and what it stands for).  Yes, we sing different songs, use different feathers, speak different languages, but we do not judge the other for the difference.  Instead we acknowledge the beauty and appreciate one another’s background and history.  

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Donations needed!

Dear readers,
I appreciate the time and interest you have taken in my personal journey and the Peace and Dignity movement as a whole.  It gives me energy to see how many times this page has been visited.  I want to take this moment to inform you all that Peace and Dignity NEEDS MONEY!  (Specifically gas money)  Each community has been wonderful in providing shelter and food, so much that we do not spend money on anything except gas.  We currently have two twelve passenger vans that roughly take 120 dollars to fill up.  With the rate we are running, we need to fill up every second or third day.  This averages about 2,500 a month.  If you are able to help out in any way, please visit this site ( and click on the donation box to contribute to our paypal account.  Once again, thank you.   I, nor Peace and Dignity would be here if it weren’t for the people and their support.

Best Regards,


PS. I would also like to bring attention to the exploitation happening in Alaska and the Yukon.  Gas is constantly and consistently being taken from the earth without adequate payment to local communities.  Unfortunately and shamefully, locals still have to pay 4.75+ per gallon of gas they buy.  Keep this injustice in your thoughts.

The Whole World

On May 7th we spent the night in the community of Northway, AK.  We were able to share in beautiful song and dance.  Children, ranging from 3 to 17, knew the songs and dances of their community by heart.  For them, this was a feat because many of their community members leave the area to find work.  Knowing this, we took the gift directly into our hearts. 
That evening was followed by a more amazing day.  Greeted by snow and wind, we began to run with a few children.  Watching the kids kept the cold away.  One child in particular, Connor, was more than enthusiastic about the run.  He wanted to know the history, significance, and weight of each staff.  When any runner spoke to him or answered a question, he listened with the utmost attention and interest –truly an example.  Soon after he was asked to carry the Eagle Staff (the one that guides all prayers).  During this time in which we were all one body running, I asked him “Connor, what do you want to pray for?”  His answer: “The whole world.”

Friday, May 4, 2012


We run to honor and pray for the water.  It is well known how polluted and contaminated our water and earth have become.  We describe the rivers, creeks, and lakes as veins of mother earth- nourishing the rest of her body.  Governments are exploiting these resources and making sure water (in their eyes) continues to be a product for sell and profit.  So we pray hard to heal and protect her.

We were blessed with snow these last few days.  As beautiful as it has been, it has been hard.  More than half of our 12 runners came down with the same cold.  Sneezing, coughing, and sniffling, we completed 200 miles in 4 days.  During this time, the run passed over huge snow covered mountains and melting rivers.  A few of us were greeted by baby eagles and moose.  Views were completely beautiful- desktop picture worthy.  I can see how water is vital to the new life that’s being created here.  It motivates me to run, despite the ruthless cold.