Friday, May 4, 2012


We run to honor and pray for the water.  It is well known how polluted and contaminated our water and earth have become.  We describe the rivers, creeks, and lakes as veins of mother earth- nourishing the rest of her body.  Governments are exploiting these resources and making sure water (in their eyes) continues to be a product for sell and profit.  So we pray hard to heal and protect her.

We were blessed with snow these last few days.  As beautiful as it has been, it has been hard.  More than half of our 12 runners came down with the same cold.  Sneezing, coughing, and sniffling, we completed 200 miles in 4 days.  During this time, the run passed over huge snow covered mountains and melting rivers.  A few of us were greeted by baby eagles and moose.  Views were completely beautiful- desktop picture worthy.  I can see how water is vital to the new life that’s being created here.  It motivates me to run, despite the ruthless cold.   


  1. You can do it, Give it your best!

  2. The medicine is there for healing. Your endurance will be rewarded. The snowflakes bring you a water blessing and dance with the runners. The eagles and moose find their food in the water and by joining you will bring their medicine. Your prayers reach all our relations and the staff carries the blessings of elders and youth alike from all directions. Your sacrifice is a giveaway to Mother Earth. Everyday she will talk to you and the voice of the ancestors will resound from the tree people. The road is long and every step is paved with prayer. Mitakuye Oyasin.

  3. Many thanks to John Trudell for his wisdom. The song is Good Thoughts, from his In A Child's Voice album.!

    Raven bought beaded serpent
    And the Alaskan thunder

    Realities yet to come
    Good thoughts are good way life
    Wrapped in the universe
    The unborn sleep in dream time

    Day in the sun is on its way
    Think good thoughts
    Thoughts of lightened mind
    Dream dreams dreaming brings
    Sense rush of new found find
    View where harmonies sing

    Follow the sky
    Into the blue
    You are part sky
    Sky is part you

    There are stars that bring the night
    There are thoughts to bring clear sight
    Thinking good makes for strong heart
    Nourishment for spirit and soul

    A good path a good way to give
    Belief creates what we believe
    Good words
    Good thoughts
    Good actions
    A way human beings live

    Raven brought beaded serpent
    And the Alaskan thunder

    Follow the sky into the blue
    You are part sky sky is part you

  4. You are all going through a cleansing phenomena now, for Creator is doing this to prepare you and build you strong. Drink lots of hot tea and take long deep breaths.

  5. Pedro Garcia mentioned your blog on the PDJ group in Facebook, so I just checked it out. Thank you for your sacrifice. I'll be thinking of you and the other runners, and I'll look for you if you happen to pass through the Phoenix area. Thank you for your sacrifice. Blessings to you, mi hija.

  6. Thank you all for your words! Martin, each day that poem becomes more real for me. Tlazo!
