Thursday, May 10, 2012

PDJ Crew


  1. I have a couple of questions as I do not see the main staff in the picture. Is someone else carrying it? Also do not understand the bandannas over the face of runners. When we run in a sacred way we are free. I do not mean to create controversy. It is something that I have not experienced as a runner on Peace and Dignity in the past. Thank you for your efforts.

  2. Hi Martin,
    The main staff is actually there. It's the one held up really high. At the beginning of each run we clean off the staff so new prayers can be added for this run. Because this picture was taken early on in the run, it has very little. It's been a week and the staff is already taking new form. Also, most of us have our faces covered because of the cold air. It was and still is super cold for most of us who are from warmer climates. Covered faces help us breathe. We mean no disrespect in what we do, sometimes our actions are simply necessary.

  3. Thank you for your patience with me. I appreciate your runs and my prayers are with you daily. Walk in peace and live with dignity. It is the good Red Road.
